Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Accomplishments today

1. I killed a huge spider with a broom.
2. Hannah and I went out into the city on our own and we came back in one piece :) (even though we didn't exactly find the place we were looking for)
3. I took a 3 hour nap.
4. I delivered a meal to a bus driver named Guillermo.
5. Swept floors, mopped floors, and made tons of beds. Typical.
6. I used the word of the day multiple times. It's "permiso" or "con permiso." It means "with permission" or "excuse me."
7. I didn't completely freak out when a big roach crawled onto my foot in the kitchen.
8. I crossed multiple streets and I'm still alive!

Good day.

1 comment:

  1. 7. "completely" = key word. hahahaah ;) miss you.
